Tag: Alison Gilchrist

CU Engineering Center reports that Ralphie has been a robot this whole time

The CU Boulder campus is reeling today after news broke that Ralphie V, beloved buffalo mascot, has been a robot the whole time.

Why chasing Bigfoot could actually be good for science

Scientists can, and do, leverage public interest in strange creatures to do large sequencing projects

Plant a Garden Under A Glacier

CU Boulder scientists replicate a decades-old vicuña poop experiment

To Gossip Is Human; To Math, Divine

Can we make math more human to improve mathematical skills?

Policy, postcards and pints

How CU Boulder graduate students are advocating for science.

Arpeggio Biosciences is studying “dark DNA”

This CU Boulder start-up is off to a running start with ambitious goals.

The System Sucks: Why Academic Publishing (As It Stands) Is Bad For Reproducible Science

How is the academic publishing system exacerbating the replication crisis in science? What can we do to fix it?

If Your Experiments Are Better, You Can Do More of Them: The Importance of Experimental Design for Reproducible Science

Better experimental design leads to reproducible science. Enforcement falls to journals as well as individual scientists.